أمثلة من مجموعة نصية لـ٪ 1
1. Here are some of the headlines he supported: "Such shamefulness has never been seen.
2. Hence it has become synonymous with shamefulness. «Reprehensible conduct» refers to any action of which pure, undistorted human nature disapproves.
3. The insolent answer is: Ŕ ěíĺ íĺ ńň$';äíî. (I‘m not ashamed.) When you hear that, you can sigh: Ň$'; ďîňĺđH';ë ńň$';ä! (You‘ve lost all sense of shame!) Ńň$';ä has two forms that are milder on the scale of shamefulness. Ńň$';äë';âî and ńň$';äë';â$';é can express shyness or modesty. Îíŕ ńň$';äë';âî ęđŕńíĺëŕ. (She modestly blushed.) But ńđŕě and ńđŕě';ňü (to disgrace, bring shame, defame) are still very strong words. Ńęîëüęî ě$'; ĺů¸ áóäĺě ńđŕě';ňü ěî';';ë$'; íŕř';ő ďđĺäęîâ? (How much longer will we dishonor the graves of our ancestors?) Ńđŕě can also still be heard, though not often, as an old–fashioned term for "genitals." ×ĺě ďđ';ęđ$';ňü ńđŕě? (What can I cover my nakedness with?) Judging by etymology and frequency of usage on my mythical map of the world, I‘d label Russia as a nation prone to shame.